State leaders and industry experts worry about more fatal crashes, like the one that killed six road workers on March 22 on I-695, as traffic reaches levels close to those seen in 2019. Photo by Emily Hofstaedter/WYPR.
State leaders and industry experts worry about more fatal crashes, like the one that killed six road workers on March 22 on I-695, as traffic reaches levels close to those seen in 2019. Photo by Emily Hofstaedter/WYPR.

A few years back, things weren’t always going so great for the refuse and recycling workers in the City of Rockville, the seat of Montgomery County, the largest county in Maryland.

Back in the late 2010’s Jamie Sydykov, the Rockville Safety and Risk Manager, remembers the heat was becoming a big problem.

“There’d be often times where someone gets a call over dispatch that someone’s in heat stress, and then we’re responding either by calling 911, or responding with our crew supervisors,” Sydykov recalled.

Read more (and listen) at WYPR.