Are you in market for a new home? Are you thinking of selling your house and need some price comparisons? Are you a house obsessed lookey-loo? Well, grab a Starbucks and power up the GPS. We have your Sunday afternoon covered with our picks of the best open houses this week.
1107 Harriton Road
$ 740,00
4 br/2.5 ba
It’s all in the bones of this Poplar Hill Tudor. Sure, some surface updates are needed, but the existing decor is tasteful, so you could go at your own pace. What I can’t get over is the beauty of the elements that would never need changing: the gorgeous staircase, the quaint dormered ceilings and the deep windowsills. I would buy the house based on the panelled doors alone. A visit is sure to uncover more lovely architectural details. Visualize: Sitting with piles of wallpaper swatches — all the work here appears to be the fun kind.
605 Marwood Road
$ 339,000
4 br/1 ba
What in the name of “Calico Critters” is that darling front door about? From there, a step inside this Towson house is a bit of a let down. The decor is very dry. Those cozy bedrooms and lovely screened porch, however, lead me to think that it would be a snap for someone with a great eye to turn this place into a gem. A perfect starter home for a family with style. Visualize: Poring over your subscription to “Cottage Living.”
11702 Clairmoor Road
6br/5.5 ba
It doesn’t come cheap but this Lutherville home has ridiculous “easy living” appeal. No detail is overlooked in this immaculately maintained home. And while it is undeniably well done and attractive (the garish red bathroom a huge exception), I wonder if it’s just too 1999? The pillars seem a little dated to me. For close to $2 million, couldn’t you get the 2012 model? Best to look. Visualize: Checking in with the gardner before you head out to shop.