Are you in market for a new home? Are you thinking of selling your house and need some price comparisons? Are you a house obsessed lookey-loo? Well, grab a Starbucks and power up the GPS. We have your Sunday afternoon covered with our picks of the best open houses this week.
403 Forest Lane
3 br/2.5 ba
This Catonsville Cape Cod oozes small town Norman Rockwell-charm. But is it too saccharine-y sweet? A peek inside reveals an addiction to Ballard Design. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The fundamentals are tasteful and the house appears to be lovingly cared for. A perfect candidate for a make-under. Visualize: Your little angel pulling his or her Radio Flyer along the front sidewalk.
4961 Valley View Overlook
5 br/6 ba
Want to know what’s new in the world of “bonus rooms,” “soaking tubs” and “double-height walls of windows?” Well, this Ellicott City giant is poised to educate. Weighing in at 6,600 square feet it has “too many upgrades to list” including “dual curved oak staircases in grand entrance foyer.” Certainly not for everyone but fun to see. “The Real Housewives” of real estate. Visualize: Parking your Escalade in the 3-car garage.
314 Taplow Road
5br/4.5 ba
The interior and exterior juxtaposition of this homey Homeland house leaves me curious and confused. The Hansel & Gretel exterior looks like it hasn’t been touched since the day it was built (maybe even a little dilapidated?), yet the interior is Reno, Nevada-townhouse new! Hmmm? Best to go look. Visualize: Swiffering all that hardwood that would look so much better stained a rich dark brown.