Looking for a reading list that will take you through the year? Check out these suggestions from members of The Associated: Jewish Fedaration of Baltimore’s community members and agencies!


If you weren’t able to join Associated Women and the Jewish Library of Baltimore for their recent book talk with Renée Rosen, author of Glamour and Ambition: Step into the World of Estée Lauder, you can still read this terrific, fictionalized account of the great makeup entrepreneur.


February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). The Jewish Library of Baltimore is encouraging families to read age-appropriate books and talk about them as part of its intergenerational book club. Check out these suggestions from Jessica Fink, executive director of the Jewish Library of Baltimore. These books focus on the incredible life of disability rights activist Judith Heumann.   

Click here for full article.

The Associated Contributors are writers from The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.