New program will introduce St. Paul’s students to core topics in business management and entrepreneurship to help prepare future leaders and innovators
The St. Paul’s Schools announced Friday its new Aspiring MBA program in partnership with Loyola University Maryland’s Sellinger School of Business and Management. As part of this program, a select group of St. Paul’s students will attend seminar sessions led by Sellinger School faculty throughout the year, with the first session occurring today.
These workshops will introduce students to topics found in an MBA program, including Leading and Managing People, Marketing Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Emerging Technologies, and more. Students will have the chance to visit Sellinger’s Data Visualization Lab and participate in week-long summer institutes in business or entrepreneurship.
“Renowned scholars and experts in their fields, Sellinger’s faculty members also bring a warmth and student focus that will tremendously benefit the students of St. Paul’s,” said Mary Ann Scully, dean of the Sellinger School. “We look forward to welcoming them to the Sellinger School and introducing them to the basics of business knowledge in the hopes that it will show them how business is a path to a transformational life and transformed communities.”
St. Paul’s School for Girls and St. Paul’s School for Boys invited juniors and seniors with an interest in business and management to apply for this new program. St. Paul’s students regularly cite business as a top career interest, and the program admitted 24 students this first year.
This opportunity is part of St. Paul’s Experience+ program, which takes learning beyond the core curriculum. Through five distinct areas of excellence—Finance and Entrepreneurship, Career Exploration, Digital Content and Communications, Civic and Global Engagement, and Ethical Leadership—Experience+ enhances learning at all grade levels through real-world experiences.
“At an Episcopal School, our students want to be a force for positive change in the world, and they know that business is a path to innovation, sustainability, and creating real value for society,” says Clark Wight, president of The St. Paul’s Schools. “We are grateful to our partners at Sellinger for helping prepare our students to become the ethical leaders of the future.”
For more information about St. Paul’s Experience+ program, visit stpaulsmd.org/about/experience or contact Whitney Price, director of strategic initiatives, at wprice@stpaulsmd.org or 410-825-4400 x1139.