In this July 8, 2014 file photo, people walk on Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus in Baltimore. Photo by Patrick Semansky/AP.
In this July 8, 2014 file photo, people walk on Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus in Baltimore. Photo by Patrick Semansky/AP.

Students at Johns Hopkins University can expect to see a handful of armed police officers for the new university force on campus this fall, said Chief of Police Branville Bard Jr.

The Johns Hopkins Police Department won’t reach its full 100-person staff for a few years, Bard said. But the pool of officers will begin operating at the Homewood, East Baltimore and Peabody campuses under the finalized governing policies released by the department last Wednesday.

Bard said the JHPD will be a “small part of the larger public safety apparatus” at Hopkins.

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