What started as a casual conversation about how to give back has now grown into a movement. Five years ago, Pikesville resident Laurie Rosen decided to do more for her community. But instead of going it alone, she rallied a group of like-minded moms and launched Moms on a Mission, a volunteer group under the Macks Jewish Connection Network that has since become a powerhouse for change.

Inspiration for Action

Having previously volunteered as a PJ Library connector, Laurie was looking for opportunities to stay involved in the Jewish community.

She learned about the VolunTeams with the Macks Jewish Connection Network where a group of individuals join forces to support a particular organization but wanted to see if there was a way to allow for even more flexibility in approaching volunteering.

“I realized that not everyone is comfortable with certain roles, like working at a soup kitchen or volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House,” she said. “That’s why we decided to offer a range of volunteer opportunities throughout the year, allowing moms to choose activities that align with their interests and availability.”

The Associated Contributors are writers from The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.

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